Rabat, Morocco

December 25-26, 2018
000 - P1150635 The Kingdom of Morocco - the most westerly of the North African countries known as the Maghreb, the
001 - P1150643 ... a country located in the far west of North Africa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the North Atlantic Ocean to the west, land-bordered to...
002 - IMG_1966 ... our tour itinerary starting from Rabat upon arrival into Casablanca - from Casablanca Airport to Rabat, driving distance approximately one hour thirty...
003 -P1150626 Rabat (Arabic Ribāṭ), city and capital of Morocco, one of the country’s four imperial cities; resting along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the...
004 - P1150599 ... the history of Rabat is closely connected to that of Salé, the site of which was first occupied by the Roman settlement of Sala (Shella). During the 10th...
005 - P000f-068 - P1150597 ... Rabat itself was founded in the 12th century by 'Abd al-Mu'min, the first Almohad ruler, as a ribāṭ (fortified monastery) at which to quarter the troops for...
006 - P1150598 ... it was the third Almohad sultan, Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb al-Manṣūr, who named the place Ribāṭ al-Fatḥ (Camp of Conquest), from which the name of the present city...
007 - IMG_1959 ... Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb al-Manṣūr also erected the great fortified wall within which the modern town has developed, and he began construction of an enormous...
008 - P000i-090 - IMG_1950 ... after 1609 the unified community of Rabat-Salé became the home of large numbers of Andalusian Moors who had been driven from Spain and, later, of the...
009 - P1150622 ... under the French, Rabat was made the administrative capital; and upon Moroccan independence, it was designated, together with Salé, an urban prefecture -...
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011 - Rabat collage Rabat, Morocco's capital, known for landmarks that speak to its Islamic and French-colonial heritage including the Kasbah of the Udayas; this Berber-era royal...
012 - IMG_1923 瀚漠流「古都信步舊城樓」- 摩洛哥是非洲西北面國家,1956年脫離法國獨立,是一個充滿引人入勝古蹟及現代化國家,享有「北非花園」之稱。 抵達後,開赴首都拉巴特,它的名稱在阿拉伯語中有軍營地帶之意,這個瀕臨大西洋的城市,自1912年以來一直是摩洛哥的政治首都,它的建城歷史可追溯至公元十二世紀,於2012年更被列入世界遺產...
013 - IMG_1924
014 - IMG_1919 The Kingdom of Morocco, its rich culture is a blend of Arab, Berber, European and African influences...
015 - IMG_1896 ... a brief timeline - 7th and 8th Centuries AD - Arab invasion; Idris founds the first major Muslim dynasty | 10-17th Centuries - Dynasties and religious...
016 - IMG_1902 ... 1904 - France and Spain carve out zones of influence | 1912 - Morocco becomes a French protectorate under the Treaty of Fez...
017 - IMG_1897 ... 1956 - End of French protectorate after unrest and strong nationalist sentiment. Spain keeps its two coastal enclaves. Sultan Mohammed becomes king in 1957...
018 - P1150565 ... 1975-76 - Morocco annexes Western Sahara, but faces an ongoing guerrilla battle for independence from local Saharawi people | 1998 - Morocco's first...
019 - P1150564 ... 1999 - King Hassan II is succeeded by his son, Mohammed VI...